Lüerzer's Archive
200 Best Ad Photographers 2010/2011
200 Best Ad Photographers 2010/2011

For 200 photographers, the economic crisis is likely to soon be over: after a two-year wait, the latest issue of Lürzer's Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers will be out very shortly (April 27). And publication of the title means new assignments for all of those who managed to land themselves a place in its pages. Yet the date is also one for creatives to look forward to, this new volume being the place to check for the best people to not only interpret but also to enhance your ideas. Order the volume today by clicking on the link lower down in this email.
For two years, the last clutch of 200 photographers were able to rest on their laurels. Now, however, the best ad photographers 2010/2011 have been chosen, this time from a total of 6,539 submissions. As on previous such occasions, we had an absolutely star-studded jury: Robin Dictenberg (Greenhouse Reps), Dave Dye (Dye Holloway Murray, London), John LaMacchia (Ogilvy New York), Bob Miller (Photographer UK/US), Hugues Pinguet (Euro RSCG Paris), Anne-Rose Schlutbohm (Former Editor, Profession Photographe), Anne Telford (Communication Arts), Yuij Tokuda (Canaria), Keiichi Uemura (Saatchi&Saatchi Fallon Tokyo), and - of course - our very own editor-in-chief, Michael Weinzettl.
The latest selections made by this illustrious jury will be presented in the new edition appearing on April 27st.
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